49th Teachers OBPO Pavilion
AIP Publishing Booth #431
Alberta Views 116T/118T/120T
American Psychological Association Booth #522
The Ampersand Review of Writing & Publishing 116T/118T/120T
Annick Press Booth #320
Annick Press OBPO Pavilion
Appleseed Yoga Booth #107T
Applied Arts Magazine 116T/118T/120T
Assembly Press OBPO Pavilion
Association for Computing Machinery Booth #811
Axiell Booth #633
Baker & Taylor Booth #421
Bank of Canada Museum / Musée de la Banque du Canada Booth #101T
Bentham Science Publishers Booth #121T
Between the Lines OBPO Pavilion
BiblioCommons Booth #631
Bibliofiche Booth #323
Bibliotheca Booth #405
Bloomsbury Digital Resources Booth #529
Book*hug Press OBPO Pavilion
Brick Books OBPO Pavilion
Brick, A Literary Journal 116T/118T/120T
Brodart Canada Booth #519
ByWater Solutions Booth #331
Cambridge University Press Booth #231
Campbell Bros. A Canada Moving Company Booth #335
Canada Reads | Combat national des livres Booth #221/223
Canadian Civil Liberties Education Trust Booth #124T
Canadian Learning Supply Booth #322
Canadian Manda Group Booth #215/217
Capstone Booth #812
Carr McLean Limited Booth #422/424
CBC Corner | L’espace Radio-Canada Booth #221/223
CBC Literary Prizes | Prix de la création Radio-Canada Booth #221/223
CBC/Radio-Canada Booth #221/223
Centre for Equitable Library Access (CELA) Booth #100T
Celtic Life International 116T/118T/120T
Clarivate Booth #305/307
CNIB Booth #115T
Coach House Books OBPO Pavilion
Collab Booth #221/223
Colour Their World Inc. Booth #114T
Communico Booth #721
Convergent Library Technologies Inc. Booth #723/725
Cormorant Books | DCB Young Readers OBPO Pavilion
Counting Opinions Booth #428
Crabtree Publishing Company OBPO Pavilion
Creative Scrapbooker Magazine 116T/118T/120T
Criterion Pictures Booth #716
Curio Booth #221/223
CVS Midwest Tape – hoopla digital Booth #404/406
DARBY 116T/118T/120T
DC Canada Education Publishing Booth #126T
De Gruyter Brill Booth #713
Duke University Press Booth #233
Dundurn Press OBPO Pavilion
eBOUND Canada Booth #103T
EBSCO Information Services Booth #512/514/516
Eco Harmony Products Inc. Booth #333
EcoParent Booth #116T/118T/120T
ECW Press OBPO Pavilion
Elections Canada Booth #220
Elections Ontario Booth #225
Elsevier Booth #433
Emerald Publishing Booth #621
EnvisionWare Booth #809
eReserve Plus Booth #122T
ESPACE art actuel 116T/118T/120T
Esse arts + opinions 116T/118T/120T
Ex Libris Association Booth #110T
Examine Booth #629
Express Mag Booth #822
Federation of Ontario Public Libraries Booth #125T
Feels 116T/118T/120T
Fernwood Publishing Booth #324
The Festival of Literary Diversity Booth #113T
Firefly Books Booth #319/321
Fitzhenry & Whiteside Limited OBPO Pavilion
FreeFall Magazine 116T/118T/120T
Gale Booth #707
Goose Lane Editions Booth #531/533
Gordon Hill Press & The Porcupine’s Quill OBPO Pavilion
Grey House Publishing Canada Booth #518
Groundwood Books OBPO Pavilion
Harbour Publishing Booth #109T
HarperCollins Canada Booth #728/730/732
Historica Canada Booth #130T
Honouring Bravery: A Canada Company program Booth #106T
House of Anansi Press OBPO Pavilion
HTP Books Booth #728/730/732
IEEE Xplore Digital Library Booth #705
Inhabit Media Booth #216
Insignia Software Corporation Booth #534
The Institution of Engineering and Technology Booth #112T
Issues Magazine Shop 116T/118T/120T
JoVE Booth #831
JSTOR – ITHAKA Booth #104T
Keebee Play Booth #425
Kids Can Press OBPO Pavilion
Latitude 46 Publishing OBPO Pavilion
Library Bound Booth #311/313
Library Impact Ontario Booth #524
Library of Parliament | Bibliothèque du Parlement Booth #430
Library Speakers Consortium Booth #214
Literary Press Group Booth #417
Literary Review of Canada 116T/118T/120T
Lived Places Publishing Booth #122T
Logics Academy Booth #820
James Lorimer & Company Ltd., Publishers Booth #328
James Lorimer & Company Ltd., Publishers OBPO Pavilion
LOTE4Kids Booth #329
Lyrasis Booth #102T
Mauril Booth #221/223
Mawenzi House Publishers OBPO Pavilion
MDPI Open Access Publishing Canada Ltd. Booth #434
Medicine Wheel Publishing Booth #414
Meescan Inc. Booth #807
Mosaic Press OBPO Pavilion
Mugo Web Booth #630
National Film Board of Canada Booth #530
The New York Times Booth #632
Nimble Information Strategies Inc. Booth #224
Nimbus Publishing Booth #531/533
OCLC Booth #613
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada Booth #829
On Spec 116T/118T/120T
Ontario Association of Library Technicians/Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario Booth #132T
Ontario Book Publishers Organization OBPO Pavilion
Ontario Library Workers for Supervised Consumption Sites Booth #541
Orca Book Publishers Booth #410/412
Ornamentum 116T/118T/120T
OurDigitalWorld Booth #617
OverDrive Booth #528
Owlkids Books OBPO Pavilion
Oxford University Press Booth #317
Pajama Press OBPO Pavilion
Palimpsest Press OBPO Pavilion
Palmieri Furniture Ltd. Booth #210/212
Paradigm Publishing Services Booth #715
PAVE Prevention Inc. Booth #714
Pembroke Publishers OBPO Pavilion
Penguin Random House Canada Booth #718/720/722/724
photoED magazine 116T/118T/120T
Playaway Products LLC Booth #827
Playwrights Canada Press OBPO Pavilion
Plumleaf Press OBPO Pavilion
The Polyglot Magazine 116T/118T/120T
Portage & Main Press/HighWater Press Booth #441
The Prairie Journal 116T/118T/120T
Preservation Technologies Booth #429
PressReader Booth #619
Publishers Group Canada Booth #416
Quipu Group Booth #717
Raincoast Books Booth #418/420
Readex Booth #312
REEL Canada Booth #128T
RFID Canada Booth #806
Ristech Company Inc. Booth #310
Sage | AM Booth #628
Saunders Book Company Booth #505
Scholastic Canada Booth #211/213
Schoolhouse Products Inc. Booth #525
Second Story Press Booth #423
Seneca Polytechnic Booth #132T
Serviette Magazine 116T/118T/120T
Shop3D.ca Booth #623/625
Simon & Schuster Canada Booth #605/607
SirsiDynix Booth #315
The Site Magazine 116T/118T/120T
Springshare Booth #615
StackMap Booth #332
Taffy Tales Booth #814
Taylor & Francis Group Booth #325
TD Summer Reading Club Booth #330
The Personal Insurance Company Booth #442
Tinlids Inc. Booth #413/415
Toronto Comic Arts Festival Booth #432
Touch2Play Booth #532
Transparent Language, Inc Booth #813
The Trojman Corporation Booth #704/706
TVO Media Education Group Booth #108T
University of Alberta School of Library and Information Studies Booth #222
Ven-Rez Products Ltd. Booth #712
VEX Robotics Booth #520
Visible Body Booth #824
Whitehots Inc. Booth #513
Wiley Booth #419
Wilfrid Laurier University Press OBPO Pavilion
Wintergreen Learning Materials Booth #314/316
Wolsak & Wynn Publishers OBPO Pavilion
Wolters Kluwer Booth #816
Zoom Books dba Librarylink Booth #123T