Jennine Agnew-Kata is the Executive Director of the Literacy Network of Durham Region. With a twenty five year history in the literacy and basic skills sector as a project manager, practitioner, trainer and basic skills assessor, she has developed considerable experience in the area of program service planning, program evaluation and local partnership development. In addition, she has worked as a professional writer in the financial and business marketing sectors.
As a senior project developer and manager, she has headed the development of several key community initiatives. These have included Ontario’s Pathways To Postsecondary Education For Adult Learners, which is comprised of a flowchart and companion guide funded by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development. Jennine has also led projects including a Research/Resource Integration toolkit for literacy practitioners; a local learning disabilities strategy for adult consumers; contributed to the provincial development of Career Ladders, an education initiative that is geared to sector-specific training; and facilitated the Pathways to Apprenticeship project funded by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario.
Currently, she is leading a seven-agency partnership to develop and expand the bibliotherapy model across southern Ontario and overseeing the development of three workforce curriculum projects in conjunction with several local program deliverers.
Jennine obtained a Masters of Education degree from the University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education and a Human Resources certificate from Queens University.