The OLA Super Conference 2020 is quickly approaching and we have an opportunity for you to get involved! We are looking for individuals to convene conference sessions.

As a convenor, you will be asked to:
• Draft a short biography of the speaker(s) and use this to introduce the speaker(s) at their session
• Meet the speaker(s) at the Speakers’ Lounge 15 minutes before the session or in their assigned room (please arrange ahead of time)
• Get help in the event of technical problems
• Make sure that, in the case of a panel, all panelists get equal air time
• Monitor the length of the session for the speaker(s)

Convenors’ names and institutions appear in the final OLA Super Conference program.

Interested? Here’s what you need to do:
• Review the list of sessions requiring convenors.
• Enter your name, affiliation, and email next to the session you’d like to convene by Dec. 15.

Please note that session convenors do not receive a registration discount.

Thank you and we look forward to your support!

Zack Osborne and Elizabeth Obermeyer,
OLA Super Conference Co-Chairs